Our Sustainability Report 2021

Cramaro Group is publishing its first Sustainability Report, an important step in the path towards a new business model, capable of creating value for future generations thanks to responsible choices on environmental, social, and governance issues.
The challenges posed by the recent health emergency and subsequently the first requests from large clients convinced our Group more than ever of the need to accelerate the path towards sustainability. Cramaro was able to take these challenges as an opportunity to analyse its sustainability performance and identify future goals to be achieved, choosing to start a path to integrate ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) issues in our corporate strategy, taking on a commitment to reporting and transparency.
Every company area was part of the effort along the path which led us to draft the Sustainability Report and it directly involved all the main stakeholder categories (including the international ones) in a new stakeholder engagement approach which allowed us to identify the material issues for the Cramaro Group, the actions to be taken, and the indicators to monitor and report on.
The goal of the Group is, on one hand, the continuous promotion of human resources, guaranteeing high standards of wellness, training, and occupational health and safety, and, on the other hand, environmental protection, quantifying CO₂ emissions even more precisely and reducing them, also reviewing products and processes in terms of circular economy, as well as minimising energy consumption.
The journey taken by Cramaro towards greater social and environmental responsibility is intended to be a structured and conscious effort to reduce costs and risks, motivate the push towards innovation, and to establish a new stimulus for the industry, strongly affected by the dynamics of sustainability.
Changing pace and looking at everything around us in a new light to embrace new working methods represents a revolution. It’s easier to say, “Let’s just keep doing things the way we always have.” But our mission, our values, and our ethics lead us into change.
We will work ambitiously to achieve significant results and with a commitment to verifying the waypoints along this journey annually.
We now know that as the Cramaro Group, we will be ALL-WAYS AROUND where ESG issues are concerned.Matteo Gianazza
CEO Cramaro Group
Cramaro invests in the future
Find out more about our journey towards sustainability and our ESG performance.